The archaeologists revealed Sir John Marshall,
D.R. Sahni and R.D. Banerji the results of
excavations in the Indusvalley primarily at
Mohendscho-Daro and Harappa in the early
of the 20th century. You proved, that
a river
culture had existed there about 2500 b.c.
approximately 1000 years. The document of the
Induspeople is not decoded yet so that all know-
of her culture in the testimony of her mat-
erial remains
is based, found on soapstone seal.

The Indo-Germanic or Indo-European new-
comers were a large, fair-skinned people,
this has  presumably emigrated at 2000 b.c
from Central Asia. A group established him-
self the name in north Greek country,
(of » « Aryan a different one in Iran is derived).
Those which finally entered India probably
split from the Iranian branch. The knowledge
about the Aryans usually is from the inheritance
of her sacred literature, the Veden, primarily the
RigVeda, a hymn collection.