Although no cult place was dug up at the
places at the Indus, representations throw
a little light on the religious ideas of the
people on the seals. A seal shows e.g. a
female figure who breastfeeds a baby and
perhaps embodies a form of the mother
goddess, a divinity which one finds at most
old cultures. The God Shiva could be the
example for some seals which show a divinity
surrounded by animals. Some show him to
crossed legs with a half-moon on the head
and one which the application suggests to
the yoga meditation.

End of the Induscultur was a direct result
of the Indo-Germanic immigration this in the
end perhaps. But the Indusstädte should already
have been in
the unstoppable decline possibly
after an epidemic or a climate change when the
Aryans reached her for the first time.