BrahmaMimamsa (Astavakra/Badarajana):
Achieves physical disciplines and is one of
the best known Hindu philosophies. Although
the power of the Maja (illusion) makes the
world seem real. Brahma is the formless,
last valid reality. People have a soul or a
mind (Atman) which is indestructible
identicaly with Brahma, all created things
form a spiritual unity. The karma influences
the future existence of the Atmans.
By Moksa (liberation), Atman can be delivered
from the circulation (wheel) of births and
succeed one another deaths (Samsara).
The "Monismus" is a central aspect -- only an
indivisible reality (Brahma) gives it and one is
the soul (Atman) with her. Badarajana teaches,
to the complete understanding inspiration and
not logic or intellect is requiredly Brahma the (?).