Bali Beach Museum Shop
Follow us on a trip through our museum shop.
First it goes through the large hall with the pavilion and the warehouse.
The path leads to the actual shop,
which is located in the basement on over 500sqm.
Walk down the stairs with us into another world!
Have a good time!
If you have any questions about one of the numbered photos,
please feel free to write an email to:

no. 001 entrance hall with pavilon (big statues are fom Timor/Indonesia)

no. 002 entrance hall with pavilon (Timor statues, bronze lions, root-wood-furniture)

no. 003 entrance hall with pavilon (Timor statues, statues from old tree trunks, window with jewelery ...)

no. 004a entrance hall with pavilon
( Timor statues, old big Garuda statue, wooden lion, stone-carved Ganesha, glass fibre tiger and leopard, ...)

no.004b entrance hall with pavilon (acrylic paintings, glass fibre tiger and leopard, bronce lions, golden dragon made of wood, ...)

no. 005 hall with warehouse (wooden animal statues, oil-paintings, wooden Naga-statues and Barong Ketet from Bali, ...)

no. 006 hall with warehouse
(oil-paintings, wooden Thai-elephants, Balinese dragon-like Naga statues, standing Barong Ketet, stone-carved Buddha images, ...)

no. 007 hall with warehouse (wooden dragon-like Naga statues from Bali, stone-carved Buddha Images, acrylic paintings, ...)

no. 008 hall with warehouse
(Ai-Tos and ancestor statue from Timor, screen made of mother of pearl and a camel-bone palace door from Rajasthan, ...)

no. 009 hall with warehouse (acrylic paintings, ...)

no. 010 hall with warehouse (acrylic paintings, ...)

no. 011a hall with pavilon
(windows with jewelery and water buffalo and camel bone carvings, rootwood furniture, pillows from Rajasthan, bronze lions ...)

no. 011b between pavilon and shop (entrance hall)
(window with small statues and jewelery, Egypt bronce statues, wall hangings and covers from Myanmar and Rajsthan, ...)

no. 012 between pavilon and shop (entrance hall)
(wooden furniture from Indonesia, wooden Hotai statue, ...)

no. 013a inside the pavilon
(Buddha images from Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia, water buffalo bone carving vases, ...)

no. 013b inside the pavilon
(marble Buddha image, furniture and temple reliefs from Myanmar, vases, Chinese altar, ...)

no. 013c inside the pavilon (several Buddha images, vases, ...)

no. 013d inside the pavilon (Buddha images and temple reliefs)

no. 013e inside the pavilon (several, wooden animal statues, wooden Buddha mask, Burmese temple relief, ...)

no. 013f pavilon window with silver and Baltic amber jewelery, water buffalo and camel bone carvings, ...)

no. 013g pavilon window with water buffalo carvings

no. 013h pavilon window with jewelery from India, USA, Indonesia and a Thai Chinaraj Buddha image, ...)

no. 013i pavilon window with traditional statues from Tibet, India, China, ...)

no. 013j pavilon window with traditional silver jewelery and statues, ...)

no. 013k pavilon window with traditional statues from Tibet, Thailand and buffalo bone carvings from Bali, ...)

no.014a front of museum-shop (Chinese Deity and a powerful lion, ...)

no. 014b in front of museum-shop
(bronze Pharao, Chinese Deity, Ganesha and Shiva Nataraja,, wooden Buddha images, screens, ...)

no. 014c bronze Ganesha statue from India,
Ganesha is the Hindu deity of arts and science, wisdom, intellect, success and all beginnings.
He is revered as the remover of the obstacles...

no. 014d bronze statue of Shiva Nataraja from India
Shiva Natarja is the Lord of the Dance. The Hindu deity Shiva is the supreme being who creates, protects and transform the universe.

no.015 in the front of the window of the Museum shop
(several Hotai statues, Buddha Images, big ceramic vases, bronzeThai musican, Balinese Garuda statue, ...)

no. 016 window of the museum shop
with the great "Emerald Buddha" image from Thailand and several Buddhist statues, temple Reliefs, ...

no. 017 entrance of the museum shop with the unique "Arjuna Mentapa"-office,
bronze Sphinx statues, the powerful protecting lions, a Burmese marble Buddha, ...

no. 018 "welcome to Bali Beach Museum shop",
Now the path takes you into another world, this what our customers say!

no. 020 entrance with the cabinet of the "Arjuna Mentapa"-Set, the "Buddha stairways", ...

no. 021 entrance with wooden Ganesh and "Barong-Ketet" paintings from Bali

no. 022 stairways down to the museum shop
(Buddha Images and wall hangings from Myanmar, acrylic paintings from Bali, masks, ...)

no. 024 Buddhist altar at the entrance

no. 024 Center of the Buddhist altar with wooden Maitreya-Buddha,
flanked by Buddha images from Myanmar; in the front: small Buddha Images from Thailand

no. 025 right side from the Buddhist altar

no. 026 left side from the Budhhist altar

no. 027 Gansha-altar near entrance
with several Ganasha statues, enlay furniture from Rajasthan, wooden elephant tusks, bronze bells, ...

no. 028 Ganesha in a sacred conch, holy bronze statue from India

no. 029 Ganesha statues from stone and metal, temple oil lamp with Ganesha, ...

no. 030 holy Ganesha statues from the Ganesha Museum in Thailand, temple oil lamp with Ganesha, ...

no. 031 very detailed Cambodian Buddha Image, marble Buddha on Bumese furniture, ...

no. 032 Cambodian Buddha, Bodhisattva and Hindu deity images, made of stone and bronze

no. 033 Cambodian "heads" from stone and bronze (Uma, Boddhisattva, Shiva, ...)

no. 034 on the left: Cambodian Art Corner / middle: Ganesha altar / on the right: North-India Corner

no. 035 left side of the North-India Corner
(several Ganesh statues, Rajasthan inlay furniture, box made of camel bone ...)

no. 036 sacred Ganesha statue from North India

no. 037 right side of the North-India-Corner
(several Ganesha statues, Krishna-statue, inlay furniture, ...)

no. 038 sacred statue of Krishna, the Hindu deity of compassion, tenderness and love.
"Hare Rāma Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma Hare Hare, Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare"

no. 039 Balinese corner with furniture, acrylic paintings, wooden elephant-group,...

no. 040 Balinese Corner with furniture, Garuda- and Wilmana- statues, agrylic paintings,...

no. 041 Balinese Corner with furniture, Garuda-Wisnu-Kencana-statues, wooden Balinese woman, ...

no. 042 wooden statues from South India and Bali, bronze lions from Cambodia, ...

no. 043a wooden Lakshmi-reliefs from South India, Ganesh-Tree-Trunks from Bali/Indonesia, ...

no. 043b wooden works of art from Bali/Indonesia: Rama and Sita - statues, Kala Bhoma mask, boxes, ...

no. 044 wooden statues from Bali/Indonesia

no. 045 small Myanmar-Buddha-Altar in Balinese Corner

no. 046 in front: Buddha Images from Myanmar; in the Background: the ROYAL RAMAYANA OFFICE SET

no. 047 Balinese "Ramayana" Corner: wooden traditional statues , furniture and paintings from Bali/Indonesia

no. 048 the "ROYAL RAMAYANA OFFICE SET", for more details and informations look at:
our products * furniture * Royal Ramayana Office

no. 049a throne-like armchair from the Royal Ramayana Office Set

no. 049b corner of the Royal Ramayana Office Set

no. 050 Buddha-bust (Laos style); Chin-The lion, Buddha images and furniture from Myanmar;
Cho-Fa (top of temple) from North Thailandom, vases from Java/Indonesia, ...

no. 051 Burmese Buddha images, Cho-Fa (top of tempelroof) from Thailand, paradise-birds and table from Indonesia, ...

no. 052 wooden tempel-Reliefs with Durga and Sarasvati from South-India, Ganesha-tree-trunk from Bali, ...

no. 053 tempel-Reliefs with Durga from South India (mango-wood)

no. 054 wooden Buddha, nymphs, traditional statues from Bali/Indonesia

no. 055 traditaional Sarong with scarf from Java/Indonesia, basket boxes (for offerings) from Bali

no. 056 Burmese Buddha-Images, made of wood an marble , ...

no. 057 marble Buddha-Images from Myanmar, ...

no. 058 "Royal Rakhine Buddha" from Mandalay/Myanmar

no. o59 wooden temple Reliefs with Krishna from South India, camel-bone-window from Rajasthan, bronze Ganesha from Mumbai, ...

no. 060 bronze temple statue of Krishna and Radha from the area of Vrindavana/India, camel bone carvings from Rajasthan, ...

no. 061 Buddha Images and temple reliefs from Myanmar and Thailand

no. 062 Burmese Buddha images, furniture, altar-back-wall with a mirror, ...

no. 063sitting Royal Mandalay Buddha Image, Phra Aphaimanee (musican), ...

no. 064 board with Buddha Images from Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia, elephants (mother of Pearl)

no. 065 board with Buddha images from Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia, elepahnts (mother of pearl), ...

no. 066 Thai altar Buddha Images from Thailand (Lanna-, Sukhothai-, Ayutthaya- and Nan-style) and Myanmar, flanked by huge temple candles from Thailand. In the Background the map of Matysek's journeys (only 10% of it, otherwise you would not see the countries anymore!)

no. 067 board with Buddha images from Thailand and Myanmar, elephants (mother of pearl), ...

no. 068 Shiva and Parvati (bronze/India), in background Buddha images from Thailand and Myanmar

no. 069 Marble Buddha from Myanmar, Chinnaraj-Thai-Buddha-Altar, ...

no. 070 Burmese marble Buddha image, Standing Mandalay Buddha from Myanmar, class case with small Thai-Buddha-Images

no. 071 corner with Buddha images, furniture and Reliefs from Myanmar, sitting bronze Thai-Buddha, ...

no. 072 Buddha images from Myanmar, Thailand, ...

no. 073a furniture, reliefs and Buddha images from Myanmar, standing bronze Lao-Buddha vom Laos, ...

no. 073b Standing bronze Lao-Buddha from Laos, class case with small bronze Buddha images from Thailand, ...

no. 074 Royal Armchair Set (European style), wooden animals, ...

no. 075 Royal Armchair Set, wooden animals, statues/masks from Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, ...

no. 076 wooden animals (horses, lions, ...) and furniture from Inonesia, ...

no. 077 wooden horses from Indonesia

no. 076 Indian corner with bronze Nandi (the abode of Lord Shiva), wooden temple reliefs of Shiva and Durga (South India), ...

no. 079a Indian Corner with several Shiva statues, Shiva Lingam (wood/Stone), ...

no. 079b Shiva Mahayogi, Shiva Nataraja, Shiva Linggam, ...

no. 080a Indian corner with statues of Ganesha, Krishna and Lakshmi, wooden inlay box and vases from Rajasthan (camel bone), ...

no. 080b sacred bronze statue of Lakshmi, flanked by wooden statues of Krishna Venugopal, ...

no. 080c Indian corner with statues of Ganesha and Lakshmi, vase from Rajsthan (camel bone), ...

no. 081 Indian corner with Hindu statues (Ganesha, Krishna and Lakshmi), camel-bone Windows from Rajasthan, ...

no. 082 Indian corner with colourful fabric camels and elephants from Rajasthan, ...

no. 083a Indian corner with glass case with small Hindu statues, ...

no. 083b Indian corner with glass case with Hindu statues (here: wooden Ganesha from Bali/Indonesia), ...

no. 083c Indian corner with glass case with Hindu statues, ...

no. 084a wooden "Lotus set" (2 chairs and 1 table), table from root-wood with glass-top, ...

no. 084b wooden "Lotus Set" (2 chairs and one table), table of root-wood with glass-top, 2 sweety wooden elephant statues, ...

no. 085 Buddha images from Indonesia and Myanmar, two Abstract musicans from Bali/Indonesia, ...

no. 085 Balinese corner with two huge masks from Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice and fertility, ...

no. 086 Balinese corner with two huge masks of Dewi Sri, a colourful wooden statue of a Legong Kebyar dancer, ...

no. 087 Balinese Corner with 4 huge Dewi Sri masks, colourful wooden statues from Legong dancers, temple relief,
painting in Kamasan style (center), small paintings in Batuan style, ...

no. 088 "Ramayana Dining Set", for more informations look at: our products - furniture - Ramayana Dining Set

no. 089 in the front: parts of the "Barong-Gajah-Set" furniture; in the backround: the "Ramayana Dinning Set"
and the Indian altar, ...

no. 090 temple ceilings, altar back wall and Reliefs from Myanmar, ...

no. 091 Hindu altar, with sacred Ganesh- statues, ...

no. 092 Ganesha-altar; Ganesh Images from India and Indonesia
Ganesha is the Hindu deity of arts and science, wisdom, intellect, success and all beginnings.
He is revered as the remover of the obstacles...

no. 093 traditional, Balinese statues (Garuda and Rawana sitting on Rawana), ...

no. 094 in the Balinese corner with the unique "BARONG GAJAH SET", for more informations look at:
our products - furniture - Barong Gajah Set

no. 095 the thron-like armchair of the unique "Barong Gajah Set" in the Balinese corner, ...

no. 096 Balinese corner with traditional statues (Vishnu on Garuda / Ramayana-tree/ fishermen) and a funny elephant group, ...

no. 097 Balinese corner: 2 carved buffalo skulls and a bowl (made of root wood/ sterling silver/ mother of pearl) on the table of the
unique Barong Gajah Set

no. 098 in the Balinese corner: root wood furniture, wooden elephant sculpture, traditional Garuda statue, ...

no. 099 adventure corner: ancestor statues from Timor, ...

no. 100 adventure corner: ancestor statues and spirits of ancestors ( mask like parts of tribal houses) from Timor,
masks from Indonesia, ...

no. 101 adventure corner: ancestor statues and spirits from Timor, masks with inlay works from Lombok (Indonesia), ...

no. 102 adventure corner with statues from Timor, ...

no. 103 adventure corner with photos from the film-expeditions in New Guinea, Africa, South Seas and Thaipusam Festival, ...

no. 104 adventure corner with Ashanti statues (Ghana/Africa),
photos of the film-expedition to the Dani tribes in the highland of Irian Jaya /New Guinea

no. 105 adventure corner with Triton conchs; in the back: small ancestor statues from Timor,...

no. 106 adventure corner with small ancestor statues from Timor, ...

no. 107 adventure corner with ancestor statues from Timor;
photos from film-expeditions to Asmat (New Guinea)

no. 108 adventure corner with small ancestor statues from Timor, ...

no. 109 adventure corner with Ashanti statues from Ghana/Africa, ...

no. 110 adventure Corner with a big mask from Senegal (Africa), arrows and bows from New Guinea, statues from New Guinea
Africa and Timor, crocodile bench from Timor, ...

no. 111 adventure corner with crocodile bench from Timor; photos from the film-expeditions to New Guinea,...

no. 112 in the adventure corner ...

no. 113 adventure corner with statues from Timor and masks from the Maori (New Zealand), ...

no. 114 adventure corner with Maori masks; photos from film-expeditions to the highlands of New Guinea, ...

no. 115 adventure corner with fighting shields and bows, arrows and spears from Asmat (Newu Guinea),...

no. 116 adventure corner with items and photos from New Guinea

no. 117 adventure corner with statues and masks from Africa, an ancestor statue from Timor,
jackets and hats of Huber Matysek, which he has worn on his expeditions, ...

no. 118 adventure Ccrner with Ashanti statues from Ghana and masks from Senegal (Africa)

no. 119 adventure corner with an elephant relief carved from an old teak-tree, ...

no. 120 adventure Corner with an elephant relief carved from an old teak-tree,...

no. 121 adventure corner with an elepant statue carved from an old teak-tree;
photo from Hubert Matysek with an Asmat skull (New Guinea)

no. 122 adventure corner with artificial leguano figures, a wooden skull scepter, Timor statues, ...

no. 123 adventure corner: glass cases with the 16mm profi-film camera, the old equipment of the expeditions,
stamps from arround the world, tradtional statues from Bali (Indonesia), ...

no. 124 back to Balinese corner: ebony Garuda-Wisnu-Kencana-statue, traditional roof-ridge Garuda statues, offering Naga ...

no. 125 Balinese corner with roof-ridge statues ( Garuda, Wilmana)

no. 126 Balinese corner with an ebony Garuda-Wisnu-Kencana-Statue, traditional Rakhasa and roof-ridge Garuda statues

no. 127 Balinese corner with traditional roof-ridge Garuda statues, ...

no. 128 Balinese corner with traditional Kris-holder statues (Raksasa. Tualen, Mredah and Hanoman),
a "Slonding" gamelan intrument, offering baskets, ...

no. 129 Balinese Corner with traditional statues, Wayan Golek puppets (Java), offering baskets, ...
photos on the right: Tamil - Thaipusam Festival (Malaysia)

no. 130a wooden bears (Indonesia)

no. 130b wooden bears (Indonesia), ...

no. 131 traditional Reliefs from Bali (Dewi Sri, Dewa Wisnu, Cili, ...)

no. 132a in the former corner of the sacred Barong Ketet (now in Kaliningrad), here: an original Barong Ketet dance-mask from Bali

no. 132b in the former corner of the sacred Barong Ketet (now in Kaliningrad),
Rarung (Kris holder statue) with Kris, Rangda mask

no. 132c in the former corner of the sacred Barong Ketet (now in Kaliningrad), original sacred Rangda mask from a temple

no. 133 in the corner of the big Buddha altar
(Buddha images and boxes from Myanmar), ...

no. 134 on the right side of the big Buddha altar
wooden & marble Buddha Images, celestial elephant and furniture from Myanmar,
standing original temple "Wednesday"-Buddha with almsbowl from Thailand

no. 135 in the middle of the big Buddha altar:
wooden & marble Buddha images, temple backwall and furniture from Myanmar,
sitting Original Thai-Buddha in Sukhothai style, small Nan-style Thai-Buddha, elephants from mother of Pearl, ...

no. 136a in the middle of the big Buddha altar

no. 136b in the back of the big Buddha altar
Mandalay style Buddha images, Kalaga (wall hanging) and furniture from Myanmar

no. 137 left side of the big Buddha altar
Buddha images, temple reliefs/ceilings and furniture from Myanmar, wooden paradise birds from Indonesia,...

no. 138 left side of the big Buddha altar
Buddha images, temple reliefs/ceilings (also dragon motif) and furniture from Myanmar

no. 139 Buddhist corner, altar no.1
Buddha images in Mandalay style, temple reliefs and altar back wall from Myanmar, ...

no.140 Buddhist corner, altar no.2
Buddha in Shan style (middle), Mandalay Buddha (right), Apaimanee (left), temple ceiling, ... from Myanmar

no. 141a Buddhist corner, Thai-Buddha-Altar (no.3)

no. 141b Buddhist corner, part of the Thai-Buddha-Altar (no.3)

no. 142 Buddhist corner, altar no. 4
Mandalay Buddha (left), Shan style Buddha (middle), Apaimanee (right) and temple ceiling from Myanmar, ...

no. 143 Buddhist corner, between altar no.4 and no.5
Buddha head in Mandalay style, temple ceiling and furniture from Myanmar, ...

no. 144 Buddhist corner, altar no.5
Shan style Buddha head (left), marble Rakhine style Buddha (middle), Mandalay style Buddha images,
temple back wall and ceilings from Myanmar, ...

no. 145 Buddhist Corner, view to the altar no.6, no.7 and no.8

no. 146a Buddhist corner, altar no.6
Royal Lanna style Buddha (left/bronze), Chieng Saen style Buddha (middle/middle),
Ratanakosin style Buddhao (right/bronze) and acrylic painting from Thailand, Burmese temple ceilings,
ceramic vases from Java/Indonesia

ono. 146b Buddhist corner, between altar no.6 and no.7
Buddha head in Shan style, temple ceilings and furniture from Myanmar

no. 146c Buddhist Corner, view from the right to the altar no.7
Burmese Chin The lion, elephant relief/statue made from old teak trees, ...

no. 147 Buddhist corner, altar no.7
Royal Shan style Buddha, Mandalay style Buddha Images, temple triangle, ... from Myanmar

no. 148 Buddhist corner, between altar no.7 and no.8
Standing Royal Ayutthaya Buddha with abhaya-mudra (in the front), Burmese Shan style Buddha head (in the back), ...

no. 149 Buddhist corner, altar no. 8
3 original temple Buddha in U-Thong style (brass)
with bhumisparsa-mudra (left), in meditation (middle) & abhaya-mudra (right), from Thailand,
bronze Buddha head ( Cambodian style) and a bronze Lanchang-Buddha Image on elephant-throne, ...

no. 150 Buddhist corner, altar no.9 (view from the right side)
Buddha images from Myanmar and Thailand, "Cho Fa" (top of temple) from North-Thailand, ...

no. 151 Buddhist corner, altar no. 9 (view from the left side)
Buddha images from Myanmar and Thailand, "Cho Fa" (top of temple) from North-Thailand, ...

no. 152 Chinese Art corner
on the left: Javanese Fasting Buddha, Tibetan Thangkha (prayer roll painting)
golden Dragon (Indonesia/Wood)

no. 153 Chinese Art Corner
"Hotei" or "Lauthing Buddha" statues, items made of water buffalo bones, glass paintings
ceramic and furniture from the Chinese People in Indonesia, Buddha images...

no. 154 Chinese Art Corner
wooden Buddha image, Buddha images and pagoda (water buffalo bones),
bronze Kuan Yin statue and a bronze incense burner, glass paintings, ...

no. 155 Chinese Art Corner
Buddha images, Chinese Emperor Junk (water buffalo bones), ceramic lid Vase, ...

no. 156 Chinese Art Corner
Buddha and Laughing images, Chinese Emperor Junk (water buffalo bones), ...

no. 157 Chinese Art Corner
Hotei and pagoda, made from water buffalo bones, wooden Buddha images, Kuan-Yin statue, ...

no. 158 Chinese Art Corner
Kuan-Yin images, dragon statues, lid vase made of water buffalo bones, glass paintings, big, wooden Hotei statues,..

no. 159 Chinese Art Corner
bronze Kuan Yin on mythical beast, several dragon statues, vase made of water buffalo bones, ...

no. 160 Chinese Art Corner with wooden Chinese dog

no. 161 Chinese Art Corner
Chinese house altar, Koi paintings, vases, dragons, staues of Kuan-Yin and Hotei, ...

no. 162 Chinese Art Corner
big, wooden Kuan-Yin wall statue, ceramic vases, glass paintings, furniture, ...

no. 163 Chinese Art Corner with the big Kuan-Yin wall statue, ...

no. 164 Chinese Art Corner with Hotei in a conch, ceramic vases, small Hotei statues, ...

no. 165 big wooden Maitreya Buddha statue (Buddha of the future), Tibetan Thangkha (prayer roll paintings),
Tibetan Dharmapala mask, ...

no.166 wooden scalar fish in the front of the Maitreya-Buddha altar with the Tibetan Thangkhas and masks, ...

no. 167 wooden scalar fish, ...

no. 168 board with wooden Buddha images in Japanese style, owl tree, ducks, ...

no. 169 board with wooden Buddha images in Japanese style, traditional relief from Bali, ...

no. 170 board with wooden Buddha images in Japanese style, traditional relieff rom Bali, ...

no. 171 glass case with small, very colourful Buddha Images, Hotei figures, painted real chicken eggs, ...

no. 172 celestial musicians in Lanna style (North Thailand), Buddha images from North Thailand and Mandalay/Myanmar, ...

no. 173 glass case with Buddha images from Thailand and Laos, ...

no. 174 glass case with Buddha images from Thailand and Laos (left side)

no. 175 glass case with Buddha Images from Thailand and Laos (right side)

no. 176 glass case with jewellery from Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil and India,
Thai-Buddha images with 100% gold overlay, Thai coffee service, ...

no.177 glass case with gold- and gemstone jewellery from Thailand, Brazil and Indonesia, Thai-Buddha-Images with 100% gold overlay, ...

no. 178 glass case with Thai-Coffee-Set, Fashion jewellery from India, ...

no. 179 glass case with Tibetan and Indian Art, ...

no. 180 glass case with Tibetan Art (sacred statues, Thangkhas, prayer wheels, Dharmapala masks, ...)

no. 181 right side from the glass case with the Tibetan Art
(Green Tara, Vajrasattva, Vajradhara, Buddha Aksobhya, Kurukulla, Padmasambhava, Dakini, Kubera, Buddha Amithaba, ...)

no. 182 glass case with Tibetan Art (middle)
(Tsongkapa, Buddha Amitayus, Buddha Gautama, White Tara, Green Tara, Kubera, Manjushree, Yidam...)

n0. 183 left side of the Tibetan case
( Tsongkhapa, Buddha Amitayus, Buddha Gautama, Kubera, Manjushree, Lokesvara, Buddha Amogasiddhi,
travel altar, big prayer wheel, ...)

no. 184 glass case with Tibetan and Indian Art

no. 185 glass case with several, small Ganesha statues, Lingam/Yoni from North India, fashion jewellery from India, ...

no. 186 glass case with fashion jewellers from India, small Ganesha statues, elephants (mother of pearl), ...

no. 187 glass case with Tibetan and Indian Art, on the left side: Rama statue from Thailand

no. 188 Tibetan altar
bronze Manjushree (left), Manjushree from Inner Mongolia (middle), cloisonne Green Tara from East Tibet (right), ...

no. 189 face from Boddhisattva Manjushree

no. 190 detail from the 4-armed Boddjisattva Caturbhuja Manjushree

no. 191a Green Tara from East Tibet (cloisonne)


no. 192 Japanese style Buddha, glass case with small wooden Buddha images, ...

no. 193 small Buddha images, wooden stag-statues, wooden cobra, ...

no. 194 small Buddha images, glass ball, wooden cobra-statues, ...

no. 195 small Buddha images, wooden cobra, wooden stags, ...

no. 196a small Japanese Buddha Image

no. 196b small Japanese Buddha images

no. 197 glass case with Indian style Buddha images, ceramic tea-sets from Indonesia

no. 198a glass case with small Balinese statues and paintings

no. 198b glass case with small Balinese statues and paintings

no. 199 glass case with Chinese items: "opium"-pipes, ceramic Kuan Yin, warrior (water buffalo bone)

no. 200 glass case with Kuan-Yin on elephant and a Chinese warrior (both: water buffalo bones)

no 201 glass case with cloisonne vase, Hotei and a dragon-turtle (both: mother of pearls)

no. 202 glass cases wih small items

no. 203 glass cases with small items

no. 204 corner with wooden animals

no. 205 in the Corner of the animal statues (wooden horse relief, wooden horse-, lion- and rhino- statues, ...)

no. 206 in the corner of the animal-statues ...

no. 207 wooden cock fighting statue from Bali/Indonesia, ...

no. 208 in the corner of the animal statues (wooden horse- and dog-statues, ...)

no. 209 in the corner of the animal statues (wooden grirrafs, lions, horses, dolphins, ...)

no. 210 in the corner of the animal statues (wooden dolphin table with glass top, wooden turtle-boxes, ...)

no. 211 in the corner of the animal statues (wooden owl-sculpture and birds, ...)

no. 212 in the erotic corner (wooden, bronze and water buffalo bone statues, painted chicken and ostrich eggs, paintings, furniture, ...)

no. 213 in the erotic corner ...

no. 214 in the erotic corner ...

no. 215 in the erotic corner (glass case with painted chicken and ostrich eggs, waterbuffalo netsukes, ...)

no. 216 at the entrance/exit: Hotei and Ganesha (made of an old tree trunk)
With the smiling face of Hotei, the Laughting Buddha
we like to say:
Thank you very much for visiting our Bali Beach Museum Shop on our Website!
We would be delighted to welcome you here in Marbella!

no. 217 stairways back to the "all-day-life"
(Barong Ketet mask from Bali, Buddha Images from Myanar, ...)

no. 218 stairway back to the "all-day-life" flanked by standing Buddha images from Myanmar

om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om om
back to " h OM e", please click: