The life's work of Hubert Matysek
Kaliningrad/ Svetlogorsk
Жизненный труд Юбера Матисека
Калининград / Светлогорск

Нажмите на ссылку и узнайте о Янтарном зале и выставке:
Click on the link and learn about the Yantar Hall and the exhibition:



Нажмите на эту ссылку, и вы узнаете кое-что о выставке:

Opening of the Exhibition

opening speech of Vladimir Shcherbakov

opening speech of Svetlana Sivkova (director of the World Ocean Museum)

opening speech of the Indonesian ambassador Wahid Supriyadi

Wahid Supriyadi plays enthusiastically on an instrument of the traditional Balinese Gamelan orchestra.

Hubert Matysek with the Gamelan orchestra more than 40 years ago!

We are full of joy when we see that our former collection inspires children's hearts!

Svetlana Sivkova and Vladimir Shcherbakov

Hindu deity "Ganesha", one of the museum exhibits

Image of "Sadhita Guhyasamaja", one of the museum exhibits.

Traditional art from the island of Bali

The Balinese "Barong Ketet" was the centerpiece of Hubert Matysek's collection.

The big "Garuda", a popular photo motif.

Dancer in front of Balinese spirits defense wall.

Dancers in front of the exhibition with the art from Myanmar.

Images of the "fairy godmother" with lotus flowers, two of the museum exhibits.

Musicians in front of the Chinese collection.

Figures from water buffalo bones.

Cloisonnee insence burner from China, one of the museum exhibits.

- here: Hubert Matysek with the Asaro Mudmen from the Eastern Highlands.
The 16mm films "Papua New Guinea" number 1, 2 and 3 were provided by Hubert Matysek for the Museum. (Sepik River, Goroko Eastern Highlands)

-here: Hubert Matysek in the men's house of Asmat people.
The 16mm films "Ich komme aus der Steinzeit" number 1 and 2 were provided by Hubert Matysek for the Museum. (Asmat, Irian Jaya, West Newguinea/Indonesia)

-here:Hubert Matysek with a smoked Mummy of the Dani people.
The 16mm films "Irian Jaya" number 1 and 2 were provided by Hubert Matysek for the Museum. (highlands of Irian Jaya,West Newguinea/Indonesia)

Нажмите на эту ссылку, чтобы узнать больше о жизни авантюриста Хьюберта Матисека:

In June 2018,
the large illustrated book of the exhibition was presented:
В июне 2018 года
большая иллюстрированная книга выставки была представлена:







Hubert Matysek proudly shows you some pages of the illustrated book:















August 2018 at the World Ocean Museum

26.05.2015 ... with Pawel and Ilja from the World Ocean Museum.
Pawel, Ilja and Nisarga worked for a month on the cataloging of the first, almost 1000 exhibits, that went to Kaliningrad.
November 2018,
Our visit to the World Ocean Museum ...
Ноябрь 2018 года,
наше посещение Музея Мирового океана ...


Museum director Svetlana Sivkova with Hubert and Nisarga-Kerstin
Директор музея Светлана Сивкова с Юбертом и Нисарга-Керстинами


Filming for Russian Television / Съемки для российского телевидения

Hubert meets the astronaut Sergei Vasilyevich Awdejew in the Exhibition
Юбер встречает космонавта Сергея Васильевича Авдеева на выставке




Filming for Russian Television / Съемки для российского телевидения

Hubert and Nisarga meet the General Consul (Saint Petersburg) of South Korea
Юбер и Нисарга встретились с Генеральным консулом (Санкт-Петербург) Южной Кореи



press conference / пресс-конференция


Impressions from the exhibition
Впечатления от выставки











Here you can see the pages of the small exhibition guide of
"The People Of The Sea"

front page of the "People of the sea" - exhibition guide

page of the exhibition guide

page of the exhibition guide

page of the exhibition guide

page of the exhibition guide
statue of Nala Bedawang
The gigantic mythical turtle that supports the world on its back in Balinese mythology. Its restless stirrings cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Normally it is accompanied by two giant serpents, Nagas that bind its support to human earthly needs. Bedawang means "boiling water" and Nala” means "fire."

page of the exhibition guide
"EM", an Asmat hand-drum is loaded with symbolism. The Asmat creator built men’s house, made several woodcarvings, and animated them by beating a drum. Drums are still beaten to act out of this story at the inauguration of a men’ house and at other ceremonial occasions. The grips are usually decorated with head-hunting symbols.

page of the exhibition guide
Ndambirkus (ancestor skull of the Asmat People)

page of the exhibition guide

"Yamasj", Asmat shield, one of the museum exhibits.

page of the exhibition guide
("Wuramon" , an Asmat Soul canoe)

page of the exhibition guide

page of the exhibition guide

"water drum" from the Middle Sepik River / Papua Newguinea, one of the museum exhibits

"turtle mask"of the Middle Sepik River, one of the museum-exhibits.

page of the exhibition guide

"Yokal", skirt of the Dani woman, one of the museum exhibits,

mesh-bag from the Dani woman, one of the museum-exhibits

page of the exhibition guide
(mask of the Balinese Cululuk)

page of the exhibition guide

"Singha", a Balinese winged lion, one of the museum-exhibits

page of the exhibition guide
(mask of Jero Gede /Barong Landung Story of Bali)

page of the exhibition guide
(Indonesian Keris dagger)

"Tau-Tau", an image of a deceased person (Toraje/Sulawesi/Indonesia),

"Amadeus" ancestor statues from Timor,

page of the exhibition guide
(Chinese Imperator)

page of the exhibtion guide

"Shishi", Chinese Lion, made of water-buffalo bones, one of the museum-exhibits,

page of the exhibition guide
(Kuan Yin on fish / water-buffalo bones)

page of the exhibition guide
(wooden Chinese deity)

page of the exhibition guide
(Thai Buddha in shelder of Naga, "Saturday-Buddha"

pagr of the exhibition guide

Walking Sukhothai Buddha, one of the museum exhibits,

page of the exhibition guide,
(original Thai Buddha for worshipping the famous Emerald Buddha, cold season robe)

page of the Exhibition guide
(Thai Erwan statue, gold-plated)

Angkor Thom/Cambodia (photo from a film-Expedition)

Image o Deva Hari-Hara's head/Cambodia,

page of the exhibition guide
(Burmese mystical deer)

page of the exhibition guide

bustof a Shan style Buddha from Myanmar, one of the Museum-exhibits,

Burmese marionettes of the "Yokthe Pwe" theatre/"Kalaga" wall hanging, museum exhibits

page of exhibition guide

Lomi Akha headgear (Myanmar), one of the museum-exhibits,

page of the exhibition guide
(head gear of a Miao Girl /South-West-China)

page of the exhibition guide
(Image of Buddha Shakyamuni/Tibet)

page of the exhibition guide

page of the exhibition guide
("Chos-Rnga", Tibetan handdrum and a Tibetan Sanghka Shell)

Tibetan "Dharmapala" masks,

page of the exhibition guide

photo from an Expedition to Egypt

Egypt grave goods, one of the museum-exhibits,

genitals cover of a Kirdi woman Africa), one of the museum-exhibits

Dance-mask from Gabun, one of the museum-exhibits,

page of the exhibition guide
(Hubert Matysek in Cameroon)

page of the exhibition guide

page of the exhibition guide
(photo of a Dani warrior)

page of the exhibition guide
(traditional painting from Bali)

page of the exhibition guide

photo of the opening of the exhibition

Letter from the Museum Director Svetlana Sivkova


Farewell to Sugriwa and Subali,
See you in Kaliningrad!

The life's work of Hubert Matysek
in Kaliningrad
Жизненный труд Юбера Матисека
Калининград / Светлогорск